Friday, April 10, 2015


On April 8th I presented my capstone on Interactive Learning. It was a fun experience and I was able to spread some information on the topic. If you wish to look at my material you can. Here is the link to my Website which provides information on music learning and an interview with a professor on interactive learning and here is the link to my Essay. Down below is a picture of my display and my poster.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Smart Boards

Smart boards is a popular interactive activity for teachers. It is rapidly growing and being put in regular classrooms as opposed to special classrooms. They are great for students to teach each other and be involved in the classrooms. Smart boards also provide built in activities and lessons for teachers  as a guideline. You can read more about Smart Boards here.

Friday, March 27, 2015

Interactive Tablet

 In Lexington School District Two tablets are being distributed throughout the schools. The tablets focus students attention on their school work and creates a more exciting classroom environment.
Teachers are able to set the difficulty of classroom activities through the tablets enabling the students to challenge themselves on their skill. The tablet is an excellent tool to use in the classroom. It engages children and allows them freedom to grow at their own pace. Students are also able to interact with each other by helping their peers when they are unable to work their tablet. Lexington School District Two has experienced the success of integrating these tablets which you can read about here.

Monday, March 16, 2015

Interactive Notebooks

Wauwatosa school district implemented interactive notebooks in their elementary schools. These notebooks are designed to benefit each student, it also helps teachers know where their student is standing in their class. The notebooks provide a way for students to express curiosity and learn from each other. Teachers are also able to interact with their students individually and gives students the chance to act and discover in  their environment. These notebooks help students engage in their studies and motivates them to learn because it is based on their own curiosity on their lessons. You can read about the interactive notebooks here.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Interactive dancing

In Montana, school districts are incorporating an interactive dance program to help students K-8 understand fire. The dance includes materials such as terminology and hazards of fire from the fire science curriculum. This is a great idea. Montana is more of a dry grassland state making wildfires an actual concern. This dance helps children understand the dangers of fire and even side information such as affected species and how there can be benefit to fire. You can find the article here Interactive dance would be an excellent tool for all learning types, visual (the dance movements), audio (the music), and even kinesthetic (the actual dancing). Dancing will also engage the children and provide a good outlet for energy. Providing choreography for more subjects is a good idea, and will put some fun in the classroom.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Clinton News

One of the ways to engage students is through technology. This is a technological era and many young students excel at using technology. Clinton ISD has integrated apple technology to engage their elementary students. You can read the whole article here. I really enjoyed this piece and it is recent, within the last two weeks. It is great to see students motivated and learning.

Friday, February 6, 2015

About this blog

Hello, I am Virginia Foote. This blog was created for my capstone project. In this blog you will find information about interactive learning for elementary school students this includes: games, songs, and other educational activities, progress of interactive learning, how to help at home, and statistics. If you are interested in  helping young children learn then have a look at this blog. There will be a new post every week.